Buena Gente Advice
Growing Your Professional, Personal and Social Life.
Some of Marta Michelle's Weekly Tips on Metro PR

Requesting a salary increase takes preparation and social skills. Sometimes, the reason we don't get a raise is directly related to how and when we request it.
Professional skills go beyond the rules of etiquette and good manners - it is about projecting the best of us, making others feel good and a little common sense.
Whenever we are in a social situation where silence and decorum is required or expected from us, for example at the movies or the theatre, we should always aim to be courteous and respectful of others.
Social networks have become the mechanism most used by individuals and organizations to make themselves known and develop a relationship with their customers.
The power behind most successful businesses is attributed to the power of excellent customer service.
Remember the saying, 'feedback is the breakfast of champions'. Whenever you have the opportunity to ask for feedback from someone you respect, take it - because you never know what you might be missing in the equation and what life lesson lies on the other side of that conversation.
People often have strong opinions but feel hopeless about voicing those opinions, when the reality is, your voice could be the one that changes everything.
The convenience of cellphones allows us to talk at any time, but there is still an art to using a phone in a professional setting.
Remember that time is the most important human capital we have - it is worth a lot and we need to capitalize on it.
How Our Body Language Impact Us and Some Tips on How to Improve Our Non-Verbal Communications.
An essential part of the success of our professional life is the ability to share with people different from us, to develop lasting and genuine relationships