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Our Social Media Best Practices

Social networks have become the mechanism most used by individuals and organizations to make themselves known and develop a relationship with their customers.

Nowadays, businesses use social media to connect directly with their customers, share their brand's personality and even provide customer service, thus reducing the communication process. This makes it imperative that businesses maintain a standard of excellence in terms of the content they share, as well as consistency in their message and style of their social channels.

Furthermore, it has become a norm to employ a team of social media content managers (usually part of the Marketing team) to plan a strategic social media content calendar in advance and take advantage of important dates and even offer discounts to loyal customers. However, having a lot of followers does not necessarily translate to sales. Part of the goal in developing a robust social media strategy is to create a community of loyal followers who share the values of the brand and identify with the message behind it, beyond the product itself.

Social networks have become a way to establish credibility and the savvy consumer tends to assess the social presence and other customers' reviews, even before testing the product or service for themselves. That is why it is important to be consistent and professional in the management of your business' networks.

On a personal level, we have developed an 'online persona' that is generally the best expression of who we are or even an exaggeration of who we aspire to be. It is very important to take into account who may be evaluating our social accounts and the interpretation they may have. Not because the opinion of others should dictate what we do, but because we should avoid causing a bad impression or giving the wrong idea to those we want to make a good impression on.  For example, if we are in a process of looking for a job, the interviewers could see our social networks and this may influence their final decision. Equally, we must always represent the best of us to those we already know, be it friends or family. 

Here are some tips on how to manage well in social networks:

Measure your attitude: Always ensure that you include positive comments about others, avoiding aggressive, disrespectful words or constant complaints. Organizations prefer not to have people continually criticizing their boss, their work schedule, or the good news and ideas of others.

Watch what you say: Check your spelling and syntax. Writing correctly projects meticulousness and attention to details.

Look objectively at your photos and content: Ask yourself - What does this content say about me? Do I look responsible, kind and with a positive attitude? Remember that those who do not know you, may reach to conclusions only because of your photos.

Evaluate your schedule: limit how active and involved you are in social media -- establish your daily habits and priorities; how much you rest, if you connect during working hours, and if social networks are your highest priority.

Ask for permission: Remember not to upload photos of anyone without their prior authorization. Many people do not want to share their private life and social activities with others.

When in doubt, think about the golden rule - if you cannot put up a street sign with this content, then  it does not add value and you should not post it. Strive to project a positive image.